Services.We want to ensure you make the most of your finances throughout your lifetime, so you can really enjoy life and achieve financial freedom. Building wealth requires time, patience and expertise you can rely on. And reliability is the cornerstone of everything we do.
For many finances can be confusing, but it doesn’t need to be. At SIGNATUREWEALTH we take complex matters and simplify them to give you the confidence that you understand the options and are making the right choices for your future. Our methodology breaks down financial advice into six key areas;
Income Plan |
Your income plan determines strategies to improve your cashflow. Through a combination of tax effective strategies and the efficient use of your income, surplus funds are then used to create wealth.
Investment Plan |
Your investment plan explores different options you have for investing your surplus funds. The benefits of these options will change as market conditions and other variables fluctuate. We help you determine the risks and rewards of various appropriate strategies to enable you to make informed decisions.
Debt Plan |
Your debt plan analyses your current debt structure, explores mortgage reduction strategies and determines possible ways that debt can be used to build wealth.
Risk Plan |
Your risk plan analyses your financial needs in the event of a setback to your most important asset, your health. We seek to identify, and where possible, mitigate your exposure to financial risks.
Retirement Plan |
Your retirement plan identifies your income needs in retirement and the level of assets required to provide this income. We work with you to achieve and sustain the lifestyle you desire.
Estate Plan |
Your estate plan assists you to identify and articulate your wishes in the event of your untimely death. We determine strategies that will provide for your family and ensure you get the right assets to the right people at the right time.
We follow a defined financial planning process so that you can achieve all of the benefits of financial planning advice. Of course, everyone is different, with different circumstances, needs and goals. We treat every client as an individual but by following a defined process, you will know what to expect. The initial advice process covers our first appointment all the way through to the implementation of your financial plan. We do this by:
1. Identifying where you want to beWe help you to identify your financial and lifestyle goals. This ensures we understand your needs and you can understand what to expect from us as your wealth adviser.
3. Bridging the gapBased on discussions with you and the research conducted by us, we will devise a strategy to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
2. Considering the opportunities and risksWe assess your current situation and investigate the range of financial options available for you to reach your goals.
4. Bringing your plan to lifeWe work closely with you to implement your financial strategy. We help you complete any necessary paperwork and are available to attend meetings with your accountant, solicitor and others so your strategy is implemented efficiently
As time goes on and circumstances change, your financial plan will need to be changed to keep up to date with your changing needs. The final step in the advice process ensures your financial plan remains on track, by providing you with regular ongoing advice and service.
5. Staying on trackFinally, we design an ongoing service program to ensure your plan remains up to date as your life changes and so you can obtain the benefits of ongoing reliable advice.
Sometimes, life takes us in unplanned directions. When you need a little extra help on top of our initial or ongoing advice, just ask us to provide you with some additional advice. SIGNATUREWEALTH are here to help you – through any changes.